Give them something that is auditory

Give them something to share that is auditory.

You could have a jingle or you could just make your clients so damned happy that they tell their friends. Here is the catch, you should not leave it up to chance what they tell their friends. Have you ever heard...

  • “If you like our service, be sure to tell your friends about us.”
  • “Don’t keep us a secret.”
  • “Bring a friend.”
  • “Friends and family come free.”

This works because you are encouraging them to talk about you and giving them guidelines on how to do it. Answer this question, “When people are done with your product or service and a friend just happens to stop by... what do you want them to say about your product or service.”

I will give you examples from my own life.

Friend1: “Hey clint, do you like owning a Subaru?”

Clint: “Love it except my guy friends call it the lesmobile.”

Friend2: “So you are a mac guy too huh?”

Clint: “Hell yah. It’s like a religious conversion. Isn’t it time you came from the dark side?”

Bug Inspector: “Are those running shoes? You gotta quit that shit. I start each day with a cigarette and a Bud Light.”

Clint: “Uh...why are you here and yes these are Vibram Fivefingers and I love them...and I gotta go.”

That last one actually happened this year right in the middle of a video shoot.


Give them something to say. Keep it short and clear like, “We serve the tastiest damn pizza in Wake County.” Don’t write some nonsense like, "We present, with integrity, the highest-quality entertainment solutions to fami- lies." I listed 100 excellent words below to get you started.

This is an excerpt from my February 2012 issue of On Target. Get a 2 free issues here: